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International Training in
Emergency Pedagogy

3rd edition 2024-2025

- Bilingual spanish-english-

Pedagogical First Aid in crisis situations


Organized by Emergency Pedagogy without Borders-Spain in collaboration with and co-certification by the Akademia of the Office of Emergency Pedagogy without Borders-Germany.

General Coordination: Guillermo Mealla

Coordination Team: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Reinaldo Nascimento y Carla Domecq

Idea and Direction: Diana Tessari

22 modules + 1 certification module

From January 2024 to October 2025


This training is 100% online

– No previous knowledge is required –

It is highly recommended for teachers, psychologists, therapists, fathers, mothers, educators and social integrators, health professionals and all those who accompany children and teenagers.

Each module takes place over 1 weekend, Saturday and Sunday per month

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his "Tale of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily" coined the phrase that also guides the work of Emergency Pedagogy: "I do not know if I can help; a human being alone does not help - only the one who at the right moment is associated with many others". “So, let us continue to work together for the children who suffer in this world.”

Bernd Ruf


Registration: 200 €
Each month (modules from 1 to 22): 197 €

Latin America, Africa, Asia: 50% off

Registration 100 €
Each month (modules from 1 to 22): 107 €

*ATTENTION! The registration fee is non-refundable.


Full payment 22 modules: 4334 €
(tuition fees are waived)

Latin America, Africa, Asia 50% off

Full payment 22 modules: 2354 €
(tuition fees are waived)

* ATTENTION! Full payment will not be refunded. The participant who cannot finish the training in this edition, will be able to conclude it in the next edition with the payment already made.




international lecturers


lectivasteaching hours

Coordination team

International lecturers

Tutoring team



Saturday 21 October 2023 from 15h to 17h (Spanish time).

Docents: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Reinaldo Nascimento, Mario Castro y Carla Domecq.

Saturday 27 and Sunday 27 January 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Ana López Barrasa y Diana Tessari


  • Introduction to the image of the Human Being from the point of view of Anthroposophy: The constituent bodies and the Threefoldness of the Human Being.
  • Introduction to Psychotraumatology from the perspective of Emergency Pedagogy.
  • Trauma and the image of the human being
  • Definition and characterization of trauma
  • Phases of the traumatization process
  • Physiology of traumatization
  • Introduction to the evolutionary stages: the seven-year-cycles of the body
  • Introduction to Human Biography
  • Introduction to the methodology of interventions in Emergency Pedagogy

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Study Group

Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February 2024

Proffessors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: A place in the forest
  • Psychohygiene: Inner Work I. Dealing with Stress; Secondary Trauma

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: Introduction to the 7 Therapeutic Drawings
  • Biography as a Work of Art: 1st Path
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Diana Najurieta


  • The pedagogy of the safe place
  • Trauma and early childhood development
  • Model of intervention in Early Childhood Emergency Pedagogy
  • Image of the young child: walking, talking, thinking
  • Care for the basic senses
  • The accompanying adult Introduction to the methodology of intervention in emergency pedagogy.

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Study Group

Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Natalia Fernández


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf Pedagogy and the human archetype: Lap playing and lullabies.
  • Psychohygiene: Inner work II. Self-education, psychohygiene of the care referents from 0 to 3 years old

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: First Therapeutic Drawing – Sun
  • Biography as a Work of Art: 1st Path
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Anita Isla y Carla Domecq


  • evolutionary development
  • Trauma-induced disruption of attachments
  • Trauma and development of the senses: basic senses
  • Pre-natal traumatization
  • Adult verbal and non-verbal language as a stabilizing axis and first aid kit

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Anita Isla


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: Fairy tales as catalysts for trauma.
  • Psychohygiene: Inner work III. The self-education path of the emergency pedagogue, the development of creative and vitalizing forces through inner work.

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: 2nd Therapeutic Drawing – Saturn
  • Biography as a Work of Art: 1st pathway
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Diana Tessari y Mario Castro


  • Trauma and development in the second seven-year-period
  • The threefold human being. The three systems and trauma
  • The rhythms of life: physical and emotional
  • Rhythms in the course of the year and their relationship to the organizational bodies of the human being
  • Art and beauty in the development of the middle senses.
  • I and the world: crossing the Rubicon. Impediment of developmental milestones brought about by trauma
  • The center-periphery relationship in trauma. Emergency pedagogical resources.
  • The school as a safe place

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 Augost 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: María Teresa Cicuéndez


  • Story telling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype:
    The power of the details
  • Psycho-hygiene: The Inner Work – The Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art therapy: third therapeutic drawing – Moon. Planetary conversation
  • Biography as a Work of Art: 2nd Path
    Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics group, B. Livegoed

Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Carla Domecq, Diana Tessari y Mario Castro


  • The birth of the intellect and the differentiation of the soul
  • Neurophysiological transformation at puberty
  • Metamorphosis from basic to higher senses
  • The higher senses
  • Socialization of attachment

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: María Teresa Cicuéndez


  • Story Telling: the heart of Waldorf Education and the human archetype: The Shadow and the Threshold
  • Psycho-hygiene: the inner work – The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha as the foundation of learning

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: fourth therapeutic drawing – Jupiter
  • Biography as a Work of Art: 2nd Path
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Carla Domecq, Diana Tessari, Jorge Schaffer y Reinaldo Nascimento


  • Identity construction
  • The Mystery between Self and Identity
  • Trauma in adolescence
  • The lunar nodes
  • Theoretical framework of Experiential Pedagogy

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 December 2024

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: María Teresa Cicuéndez


  • Story Telling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: Air, Water, Earth and Fire.
  • Psycho-hygiene: the inner work – The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: fifth therapeutic drawing – Mercury. Planetary Conversation
  • Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype.
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Bruno Callegaro, Jorge Schaffer y María Teresa Cicuéndez


  • Aspects of Emergency Pedagogy for people with special needs.
  • Contributions of curative education and neuroscience.
  • The twelve senses and the first three seven-year-cycles in people with children with special needs.
  • Qualities of the emergency pedagogue who does the facilitation in the context of special needs
  • How to reach them?
  • Specific and individual needs.

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February 2025


  • Story Telling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: Hidden images in stories.
  • Psycho-hygiene: Inner Work – The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: Sixth Therapeutic Drawing – Mars
  • Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Jesús Atencia, Diana Tessari, Reinaldo Nascimento y Anna Esclusa


  • Emergency Pedagogy
  • Pedagogical First aid at school
  • Fire prevention education
  • Sexual violence prevention
  • Disaster competence
  • Emergency Pedagogy for adults: Disaster competencies, promotion of self-help competencies. Promotion of pedagogical competencies in Emergency Pedagogy.
  • The Uncertainty Principle and intervention in situations of vulnerability and trauma

Disciplinas transversales

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Guillermo Mealla


  • The Narrative, the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype.
  • Psycho-hygiene: the inner work – Rudolf Steiner’s Basic Exercises                         

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: Seventh Therapeutic Drawing – Venus. Planetary Conversations
  • Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype.
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Fiona Bay, Isidoro González y Víctor López Herranz


  • Accidents
  • Fires
  • Natural disasters
  • Mass homicide or Amok situation
  • Terrorist attacks

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Guillermo Mealla


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: Healing stories in catastrophic situations.
  • Psycho-hygiene: The Inner Work – Rudolf Steiner’s Basic Exercises

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: Dawn – Mars-Venus Colour Conversation
  • Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual Arts as a Distinctive Element of the Human Archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 July 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer: Bernd Ruf (or Nancy Arias)


  • Characterizations of trauma
  • Encounter with the Shadow
  • Paradoxical feelings of guilt and shame
  • Trauma and Karma
  • Traumatic introject: The Pathogen Theory of trauma
  • Spiritual dimension of the safe place
  • The meaning of forgiveness and reconciliation in trauma processing
  • Post-traumatic growth

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 Augost 2025

Professors: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer:  Guillermo Mealla


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype:
    The Minotaur’s Labyrinth
  • Psycho-hygiene: Inner Work – Rudolf Steiner’s Basic Exercises

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: The Book of Life
    Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual arts as a distinctive element of the human archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

Saturday  27 and Sunday 28 September 2025

Professor: Fiona Bay, Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer:  Equipo docente de la Formación Integral-Internacional


  • Emergency Pedagogy Intervention Model
  • The emergency kit, fundamental elements and materials for the work.
  • Psycho-hygienic in the creation of intervention teams in Emergency Pedagogy
  • Intervention plan and management

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Experiential Pedagogy
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy
  • Work Group

Saturday 25 anad Sunday 26 October 2025

Professor: Diana Tessari, Guillermo Mealla, Carla Domecq, Mario Castro, Reinaldo Nascimento, Verónica Márquez y Sandra Domínguez

Lecturer:  Reinaldo Nascimento


  • Storytelling: the heart of Waldorf education and the human archetype: The versatility of storytelling in interventions. Closing the process
  • Psycho-hygiene: the inner work: psycho-hygiene in Emergency Pedagogical interventions

Additional / Complimentary Disciplines

  • Circus arts
  • Art Therapy: The Book of Life
  • Biography as a Work of Art: The Book of Life
  • Manual Arts as a Distinctive Element of the Human Archetype
  • Tutorials / Group Dynamics, B. Livegoed

10 % de descuento para miembros


The format is 100% online. Classes are live-live via Zoom.

Each module is 2 days: one weekend per month.

Once you have made the payment, you will be able to access all the content from the “Campus” that will be open from a few days before the beginning of the course, accessing with your username and password to your personal profile, located at the top right. Remember to log in before getting started with all the content.

This training starts from the most basic to the most advanced, in a clear and orderly manner. That is why you do not need to have previous knowledge nor is it a requirement that you are currently working with adolescents.

Yes, the training has a starting booklet with the necessary material to begin: schedules, dates and previous readings. Then, every month, all the graphics, drawings, stories and material used in the training will be available to you throughout the training in your student area.

Yes, at the end of the training, you will obtain the title of Emergency Pedagogue.

Certified by the International Office of Pedagogy Without Borders (Karlsruhe, Germany) and Emergency Pedagogy Without Borders-Spain.

(For this you must have presented all the work done during the training, the final work and passed the certification process).

For legal and administrative reasons, only credit or debit cards and PayPal are accepted. In addition, you can pay with any currency from the country you are in, as the platform makes the conversion automatically.

The best thing to do is to check your Spam or Junk mail folders, as sometimes emails arrive there. If this happens to you, mark our emails as Not Spam and add our email address to your contact list.

If you still can’t access your profile, contact us and we will help you in the best possible way.

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